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Screeching Weasel - Major Label Debut


Turbo X Monster, 12.10.2004 15:00

Может кто-нить выложит эту пластинку на скачку


Not Jesus, 21.02.2006 19:22

hey asshole you know your teeth are stained brown from all the shit you talk
hey asshole what about all the fat little teenage boys you fuck
hey asshole aside from dealing coke and lsc what have you done dick
hey asshole do you feel all warm inside lording it over a bunch of kids you're no upright citizen you pig,
a tenth grade boy's mouth around your dick
hey asshole, aside from writing pretentious, boring tunes what have you did hack
hey asshole on the internet a couple dozen mongoloids at your tit
hey asshole i think your heart done be inflated with horseshit you fucking dirty old man,
you fucking tourist you wrinkled old twit fuck you

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